BMS Church Partners
As a Baptist church, we help the Baptist Missionary Society to support church partners and missionaries working around the globe to share the love of God in Jesus Christ.
In September 2021 we were given the privilege of becoming a BMS Church Partner, providing us with a link to mission workers in Peru and France. Our home groups will be responsible for maintaining these links and providing valuable prayer support. Please find here an introduction to our partnered mission workers, and pray for them. Thank you.

Dave and Michele Mahon: PERU
Dave and Michele will be working alongside the Peruvian Baptist Convention, with pastors at the Nauta Integral Mission Training Centre in Northern Peru. There they will teach theology. The Mahons will also be working with the Loreto Baptist Association in developing youth ministry with local churches.
Dave & Michele's Prayer Letter:
Philip and Rosemary Halliday: FRANCE
Philip and Rosemary are part of a church planting team in southern Paris. Philip also leads the French Baptists’ church planting programme nationally and sits on their Executive. The Hallidays travel throughout France, accompanying and encouraging church plants and working to develop other congregations.
Philip and Rosemary's Prayer Letter: