Minister's Message
‘Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.’
(Hebrews 11: v.1)
It has been said that arrogance is caused by a lack of confidence. On the surface, arrogance may appear to be a kind of super-confidence, but in truth it reveals a deep-seated insecurity.
Christians are sometimes accused of being arrogant, simply because of the firmness of their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. However, Christians have confidence in someone other than themselves. How can they maintain the courage of their convictions, when there are so many ‘faiths’ from which to choose ?
Perhaps the answer lies in the difference between true faith and religion. Religion demands a rigorous adherence to a creed, to spiritual exercises such as fasting and set times for prayer, and to sacrifices. Religion claims to feed humanity’s innate need to be acceptable to God. Indeed, Christianity itself has often been forced into a religious mould.
Faith is entirely different. The Christian’s faith rests in the person of Jesus Christ, who stands alone as the One whose divinity and humanity worked together, through life and death, to make us acceptable to God. No amount of human effort can help me to ascend an imaginary ladder to heaven. In fact, I would not make it to the first rung. True faith declares that the way to heaven has been prepared and paved by the bleeding hands of Jesus Christ. He is our only hope of reconciliation with almighty God.
Confidence cannot be derived from the pick-and-mix ‘spiritualities’ of modern western society, nor can it develop through strict religious observance. The Christian faith rests on God’s work, not our own, and turns arrogance into confidence.
Every blessing,