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Welcome to Okehampton Baptist Church

'Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.' 

2 Peter 1:2 (NIV)

Weekly Prayer

A Prayer

God of majesty and love divine,


The whole earth is full of Your glory, and we praise You for every sign of Your presence in the creation that sustains and inspires us.


We thank You for your simple gifts of clean air, pure water and food to keep us healthy. We thank you for the strength You provide when the road seems long, and our feet are tired.


We thank You for the gatherings of Your Church, when Christians come together to share encouragement and challenge from the Bible, and where those who are searching for spiritual truth can open their hearts and minds to a new vision of Yourself, and to the gracious invitation of Jesus Christ.


Put Your grace to work in our lives, we pray. Lift our eyes and hearts to the cross of Jesus Christ and, through Him, bring us Your forgiveness, health and healing.



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